Epic Duels was a nifty game designed by Craig Van Ness and Rob Daviau. It was marketed under the Milton Bradley label, but you should not dismiss it for being a mass-market game. It's a well-crafted slug-fest. It falls into the class of `thinking optional' games-- strategy can pay off, but there's enough luck involved that strategy isn't mandatory.
The game practically called out for customizing. Years ago, I headed that call and helped to design several maps, a bevy of decks, and couple of scenarios. Although the game has since gone out of print, it still has an active internet following.
We designed a few additional decks, and I drew up some Vector Heroes to go with them. Any comments, feedback, or play-test results would be welcomed.
New decks! Plus paper stand-ups to represent many of the new characters.
New maps, including:
Tim Lennox has some nice maps and scenarios.
The Epic Duels Yahoogroup has lively discussion and several new decks available for download. As with all discussion boards, there is a certain level of noise.
The Epic Duels Wiki has links to most of the fan-spawned supplements.
Epic Duels is a Hasbro product. Star Wars is a George Lucas property. Original material here is designed by P.D. Magnus. It's offered as fan-support for the game and isn't intended to step on anyone's toes. Praise, blame, and questions are all welcome via e-mail.