Getting a copy
The Decktet is available as a digital document (for free) and as a professionally printed deck (for money).
The electronic version is a PDF which you print and assemble yourself. My preferred method (before I had decks professionally printed) was to print the cards on plain paper, cut them out, and put them in plastic card sleeves.
- Printed decks, suit chips, and more.
- The Decktet [PDF] to print and assemble yourself.
- The lineart deck [BGG link] sucks less ink from your printer.
- Advice on printing cards.
- A game box [PDF] A tuck box that you can cut out and assemble. It is scaled to hold cards in plastic card protectors. John Milanese designed it, based on card art. (Thanks, John!)
The Decktet is ©2008-10 P.D. Magnus. Some rights reserved. The contents of this page and a version of the deck are offered as open content under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be negotiated.