Braddock scratches.

"I say we knock it out and drag it into the light."


Braddock finds that his natural claws are good for more than cutting up pirates.

Braddock Fourth Marduc ibn Arish

Braddock is a character in Brian's campaign, which is set on the Arabian Nights inspired Isles of Purple and Red.

Braddock's father had three sons by various surrogates, but his mother longed to carry a child of her own. She became pregnant, but the baby was born prematurely and she died in childbirth. The baby was dubbed simply Fourth-- no middle name-- because nobody expected him to survive the first night. Little Fourth did make it, though, but only to grow up in a family with a father who had no time for him and brothers to whom he was an outcast. He didn't take well to etiquette, and noone took the time to see that he learned.
A mugshot of Braddock.

The oldest brother was groomed to inherit the family fortune and was serving a tour aboard a merchant ship. The second awakened to sorcery and was banished when he turned his attentions to fire magic. The third entered the priesthood, becoming an itinerant monk. Fourth, who had taken to calling himself Braddock after his grandfather, headed to sea himself.
A well-rounded caricature.

Upon his return from his first voyage, Braddock was told that his father had died and that his oldest brother was lost at sea. He is now Braddock Marduc ibn Arish, head of one of the great merchant houses. His long term plan is to sire heirs and marry well so that House affairs can take care of themselves. He'll then be free to sail off and be heroic.